Tuesday, December 1, 2009

....Episod 181..... - words of wisdom -

When im tired with the 'problematic people' around me i would remind myself with what i have said to one of my good friend :

" Psst ... kengkadang kan, orang susah nak paham kt , kt pun macam tu . 'Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar ni tak semudah yang kt sangka . Anggap apa yang terjadi tu satu permulaan . Satu hari nanti bila kita jadi da'ie , tak semua mad'u kita akan terima kt . Apa kata sekarang ni ko uzlah dulu , fikirkan cara dan pendekatan terbaik . Yang penting , a good friend will not stop giving advices ok? :), Tapi make sure kena sesuai "

When i feel like giving up halfway , i would remind myself with the conversation i had with a senior thru emails ( with the subject, may your words be my strength ):

" Kak , this is fathiah , 1st year of lughah faculty of al azhar , kak ive been reading ur post even before i reached egypt . Kak i just get to know tht i have to repeat my first year and i feel so blessed with the news . I have always look up to you as my role model in this faculty . Your strength i believe is amazing . Many did not believe that i did not make it for my first year . Personally, i dont find this a problem at all . Allah just wanted to test my love for lughah and tests from Allah will just make me stronger i know . But kak , people's expectations and hopes can be very pressurising at times. To keep my cool is a challenge whenever im asked about my result. Kak , if you could share some words tht could make me feel more blessed , it would be one of the best gift from a senior to a junior . Thanks alot kak , jazakillah."

Her reply to my request .. is the answer to all the question marks tht i have in mind ~ :

"My dear sister , may Allah protect u , increaseu in knowledge, blessings n nuur , ameen . I made a visit to your blog last night after reading ur email ,believeme when i say that u do not need any words from me . u r urself a strong one , subhanallah . u knew the reason u chose the faculty . u knew the reason u seek knowledge .

Fathiah , pengalaman yg akak timba waktu belajar di mesir terlalu banyak . Yang pahit melebihi yang manis . Tapi masya Allah subhanallah , di hujung pengajian Allah beri akak sesuatu yang paling istimewa . Saat2 akhir akak di mesir merupakan saat yang penuh dengan tangisan demi tangisan . It was only during my final year in al-azhar that i saw the wisdom in every single thing Allah had put me into . everything. i began to strongly believe in Allah's miracles .He wants the best out of us . THE BEST .not the usual good things but the BEST. but before we reap any of the best , Allah has to put us through millions of tests and challenges . not any simple test but huge ones .

So u see my dear , it is not about people , never about them . It is about us and Allah . He wants us to make strong connections with HIM and not with people .He wants the Best out of us . That is the only reason we r going thru whatever we r facing now . He knows that u r having trouble with peoples expectations . He knows that u wrote to me and now i am writing back to u. He knows the step u will be taking next . He knows u will be able to overcome all of it .

So, march on!my sister . move ahead! When people start asking alot , u have to smileand continue smiling and remember Allah is watching u . Y do we have to care about what others say if whatever we r facing now is what andhow Allah wants it to be ?

Allah is getting rid of our ego through making us fail the exams . Allah is trying to make us enter the process ofbeing tawadhu' . the more we fail..the more we lose our ego .. betul tk? soo it is a good thing afterall! ..

So now smile... Allah is watching u n watching us .


ummu said...

entry yang menyentuh jiwa saya
Sesungguhnya Allah nak kita betul betul gantungkan harapan kepadaNya je kan,sebab tu Allah datangkan pelbagai teguran melalui kepahitan yang dirasa di awalnya,insyaAllah manis jua akhirnya

dhuha said...

Syukran kerana sudi baca dan komen , entry yang dtg dr jiwa akan menyentuh jiwa org lain pastinya... tk gitu ? hee .. perkongsian semata~ :)